


Tray is the new self-standing kitchen accessory system designed for Damiano Latini Srl.

The project emerged from a deep reflection on how contemporary society’s way of living in domestic and work environments has profoundly changed. The concepts of “liquid modernity,” nomadism, and flexibility are now the basis of our daily lives.

Increasingly, students, young couples, or entire families need to move to new homes, often in smaller spaces where optimizing space is crucial. We thought that kitchen accessories should also be increasingly “smart,” modular, and compact so that they can be easily moved and reused.

When we designed Tray, our goal was to create a nomadic and repositionable product that was not anchored to the wall or kitchen elements with screws or hooks. Additionally, we wanted to achieve maximum flexibility: in space (Tray is easily repositionable in new environments), in time (usable at various times of the day), in functions (the components can be configured and personalized), and according to users (young couples, families, coworkers).

We also believe that Tray could represent a complementary business model to B2B for Damiano Latini, through online sales to the final customer.

Designer /

Davide Anzalone with Raul Frollà

Year /


Client /

Damiano Latini

Status /

In production

Tray consists of a high-thickness extruded aluminum profile to ensure maximum stability. The profile, with a particular inverted T-section that acts as a track, is the main element on which some solid wood blocks are positioned and slide. These form the base for the accessories: glass holders, knife holders, utensil holders, cutting board, paper towel holder, tray, soap holder, and cutlery holder.

The accessories, also made of wood and aluminum, are easily removable; they can be moved and positioned both on the profile and on the work surface, keeping everything within reach, for example, during meal preparation.


Standard kits have been designed specifically for online sales channels (washing kit, kitchen kit, happy hour kit, storage kit), with a 90 cm base and pre-configured accessory layout. However, it is possible to customize both the profile length, according to the length of the worktop, and the arrangement, number, and type of accessories.

The product’s features make it versatile enough to be used in environments other than the kitchen, such as offices (with stationery accessories) or shared refreshment areas (with the introduction of pod/cup holders).

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