Cooker hood designed for Best in cooperation with Raul Frollà. BREATH takes inspiration from the idea of creating a micro roof garden inside the kitchen. The hood becomes support and container for vases, perfectly integrated in it, in which to plant small herbs used in the kitchen. The pots containers can also be used to preserve food (pasta, biscuits) or spices. Every aspect has been studied because Breath can become an icon of a whole new “green” way  to conceive the hood: the low power consumption brushless engine , high efficiency filters, to the material used for the outer shell, the ceramic. A natural material, alive, hand-molded makes Breath a handmade product with a technological heart. The power and control of the functions of suction and lighting is via touch controls with small RGB LED directly on the surface of the ceramic.

Designer /

Davide Anzalone with Raul Frollà

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