ADI Index 2021


ADI Index 2021

After being awarded with the European Product Design Award, the German Design Award and the GOOD Design Award, EITHERLAND
designed by Davide Anzalone and Alberto Mattiello for Metalco Workplaces, part of The Placemakers
group, has been selected for the ADI Design Index 2021, therefore entering the preselection for the XXVII Compasso d’ Oro Award!

More info here.

Every year ADI,the Association for Industrial Design, identifies the best in
Italian design currently in production, selected by the ADI Permanent Design
Observatory, and presents it through a communication process that is divided into a yearbook, a dedicated web site and a series of exhibitions. The selection includes products and all type of product systems, theoretical-
critical research, process and corporate research, services, social initiatives

all with particular attention paid to sustainability. Only products selected for
the ADI Design Index can participate in the ADI Compasso d’Oro Award.

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